Lesbian escorts
A lesbian escorts provide service companionship and sexual intercourse for other women.
The women serviced by lesbian escorts can be bisexual, straight or lesbian. The condition of a woman to become a lesbian escort service provider is that she must be attracted to other woman and have previous sexual experiences with the same sex. A lesbian escort can is often a desired plus one in threesomes where she can offer extra pleasure to the woman and aesthetic excitement for the man.
Lesbian escorts for women only?
Attraction between two women sometimes needs more than physical, therefore a lesbian escort is more about companionship than actual intercourse. The intercourse relies on oral sex offered by the escort or offered to her and penetration by various sex toys. a lesbian sex act will include sex toys like vibrators, strap-on, anal toys but also fingering and massaging each other’s clitoris. To stay safe during intercourse with a lesbian escort lady, there are several female condoms that can be used.
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